Rowina Ogo

Rowina T. Ogo is a versatile woman known for her diverse roles and dynamic personality. As a mother of four - three sons and a daughter - she embodies strength, compassion, and resilience in balancing her family life with her professional endeavors. Her children serve as the cornerstone, providing the foundation for the inspiration that anchors her life and motivates her to persevere.

A former Beauty Queen, Rowina has graced stages and captivated audiences with her grace and charm. However, her influence extends far beyond the realm of glitz & glamour. As an innovative serial entrepreneur, she has established herself as a trailblazer in various industries, constantly pushing boundaries and redefining success.

An adventurer at heart, Rowina thrives on exploring new horizons and embracing challenges with an unwavering spirit. Whether climbing trees, mountains or navigating uncharted territories in business, she approaches each endeavor with courage and determination.

As a motivational influencer and public figure, Rowina inspires others to pursue their passions and overcome obstacles with her empowering message of resilience and self-belief. Through her engaging content and authentic storytelling, she encourages individuals to embrace their unique journeys and strive for greatness.

Rowina's affection for children shines through in her warmth and compassion towards them. She takes pleasure in their innocence and curiosity, relishing the opportunity to share her knowledge and embark on exciting adventures that cater to a child's inquisitive nature.

Despite her busy schedule and numerous achievements, Rowina remains grounded and values the simple pleasures of life. She goes insane for plants and gardens, finding solace and serenity in nurturing her green spaces. Additionally, her love for the ocean is obvious, as she often seeks refuge by the water, finding peace in its vastness and beauty.

An enthusiast of good food, she delights in culinary experiences and savors every moment shared around the dining table and in the kitchen conjuring up recipes. Ever the optimist, Rowina has a contagious sense of humor that brings lightness and laughter to every interaction. Her witty remarks and playful banter reflect her zest for life and her genuine desire to spread joy wherever she goes, a carefree spirit.

You can find Rowina on Social Media platforms where she shares her anthology of life experiences, her adventures and continues to uplift and inspire countless individuals below:

FB : Rowina Ogo 
FB : Me By Rowina Ogo *Anthology
IG : Rowina Ogo 
TT : Rowina Ogo 
TT : Rowina Ogo *Graphics page
TT : Coconut Diaries 2 *Coconuts


Email Rowina @